This blog post will be written in both English and Traditional Chinese to help our readers understand how the DDDesign Taiwan Community collaborates with worldwide DDD practitioners and accumulates fruitful results. The following paragraphs will be structured with English first, followed by Traditional Chinese in each section.
這篇 Blog 將以英文和繁體中文撰寫,以幫助我們的讀者了解 DDDesign Taiwan 社群如何與全球 DDD 實踐者合作並累積豐富的成果。接下來的段落將以英文為先,每個部分後面都會跟上繁體中文。
Executive Summary
The DDDesign Taiwan Conference 2023 was successfully carried out at Sep 16-17 (weekend) 2023. We collaborated with sponsors include 104 Corp, Epicloud, BitoGroup, EVENT STORE, TLBC and JetBrains to held the 2 days event with 24 sessions and 3 workshops. Received CSAT on overall conference arrangement 4.23, overall sessions 4.24 from 308 attendees include speakers and Community core volunteers.
With the complexification of business requirements and the trend of microservices architecture, DDD has become a guiding principle for various technologies and software designs. However, beyond technical practices, DDD is more about the transformation of team culture and mindset: how to from up the consensus in each single organization even to each person, how to enable technology to take on business-driven changes, and even lead business forward. The Sociotechnical is one of the approaches we might have to taste. For the reasons mentioned above, in this year, we embraced various of kind topics in Architecture revolution , software design, DDD fundamentals, Modern development practices, Exploring the information architecture, Event Sourcing, CRQS, TDD and Example mapping.
This year’s theme is “Inspiration,” and we hope that individuals from different backgrounds and professions can break down barriers, exchange ideas, and spark thoughts.
2023年的 DDDesign 台灣會議於 9月16–17日(週末)成功舉行。我們與包括 104 Corp、Epicloud、BitoGroup、EVENT STORE、TLBC 和 JetBrains 在內的贊助商合作,舉行了這個為期2天的活動,包括24個環節和3個工作坊。來自308名參加者(包括演講者和社區核心志願者)對整個會議安排的滿意度為4.23,對所有環節的滿意度為4.24。
隨著業務需求的複雜化和微服務架構的流行,DDD 已成為各種技術和軟件設計的指導原則。然而,除了技術實踐,DDD 更多的是關於團隊文化和心態的轉變:如何在每個組織甚至每個人中建立共識,如何使技術能夠承擔業務驅動的變化,甚至推動業務向前。社會技術是我們可能需要嘗試的方法之一。
基於上述原因,今年,我們在架構演進、軟體設計、DDD 基礎、現代化軟體開發實踐、探索資訊架構設計、事件溯源、CRQS、TDD 和 Example Mapping 等方面涵蓋了各種主題。
Attendees Overview
Despite the community in Taiwan having developed into its 6th year (2018–2023), the composition of overall participants is still predominantly developers, but we’ve started to notice HR paying attention, which is a new gain. During the Meetups and Conferences in 2020 and 2021, we found that at least 50% of the participants were developers. This observation perhaps provides us with a good insight into how we can attract more diverse stakeholders to participate, which will be the highlight for 2024.
Digging deeper into the industries of the participants, I discovered a surprising change, perhaps related to the digital transformation, modern application development, and business transformation that have been of concern in recent years. In Taiwan, our main industrial bodies have always been semiconductors and manufacturing, with the software services industry lagging far behind. However, from this observation of the industries of participants, manufacturing at 8.2%, and semiconductor industry at 12.7%, already account for over 21% of participation. This is a stark contrast from the past where these industries were more focused on topics like production line optimization, cost management, inventory reservation, materials and packaging, showing little interest in business and technical collaboration events. Moreover, the participation from the blockchain sector reached 13.6%, which is another pleasant surprise!! From my personal past perception of the blockchain industry, the practitioners were more concerned about blockchain technical investments and the fluctuations in the capital market, this contrast seems to deliver a strong message to us :
Business leads technology, technology supports business — it’s not just empty talk!
再往下深究到參與者所處的產業,我發現了一個驚人的變化,這或許與近年來大家都關心的數位轉型、現代化應用開發,以及業務變革有關。在台灣,我們的產業組成主體一直是以半導體與製造業為大宗,軟體服務業則排名在後面不知道多遠的位置。然而從這個參與者的產業觀察可以發現,製造業 8.2%,半導體產業 12.7% ,已經佔了超過21%的參與率。從過去我對半導體與製造業的認知來看,這些產業多半關注在產線優化、成本管理、庫存儲備,以及材料、封裝等話題上,鮮少針對業務與技術協作類型的活動有興趣。 此外,在區塊鏈的參與者來到了 13.6% 這是另一個驚喜 !! 因為過往我個人在區塊鏈產業的認知,相關從業人員更關心鍊上的技術投入,以及資金市場的波動關注,這個反差也好像給了我們一個強烈的信息 :
業務引領技術,技術扶植業務 真的不是一句空話 !
Event Format
In this year’s annual event, due to a shortage of sponsorship funds, it could only be conducted over two days. The first day was kicked off with a keynote speech by Vlad Khononov on Balancing Coupling in Software Design, followed by 16 breakout sessions and three workshops that brought participants into DDD practice and exchanges.
The second day was conducted entirely online in a marathon-style agenda held on Sunday (surprisingly, almost all of our audience stayed throughout the day until the last session ended).
Our community is a non-profit organization, with 30 core volunteers organizing and creating the entire event process. Everyone started planning from March 2023, and over the half-year period, we started from a co-creation perspective, outlined the specific goals and values of each different group, and made cross-group information exchange interaction models.
Ultimately, what we aimed to provide was a value presentation that could offer the most gains to all participants. This process is also a practice of Domain-Driven Design, with the scenario being the hosting of the annual grand event :D.
在今年的年會活動中,由於贊助經費相當短缺,只能做成兩天活動。第一天由 Keynote Speaker Vlad Khononov 帶來的主題 Balancing Coupling in Software Design 開場,並伴隨著 16場的 Breakout sessions,還有三個工作坊將參與者們帶入DDD 實踐與交流的時間,而第二天則是純線上的直播方式進行,是一個一整天的馬拉松式的議程在週日舉行(非常訝異我們的聽眾幾乎都整天待著並且持續到最後一場議程結束)。
社群本身是個非營利組織,我們有著30名的核心志工籌組並打造整個活動流程,所有人都從2023 3月份開始投入規劃,在整個半年期間,我們從共創的角度出發,勾勒每一個不同分組的具體目標與價值,並且做出跨組之間的訊息交換的互動模式,最終期望提供的是整個可以給予所有參與者最大的收穫的價值呈現,這過程,不也是一種領域驅動設計的實踐,場景是年會盛事舉辦 :D
We are extremely honored to have invited speakers from Taiwan and around the world to gather for this event, providing a strong motivation for the audience to participate and leaving inspiring topic exchanges. Three weeks before the event, all tickets were sold out. Over the two-day event schedule, we collected feedback from the participants; from 308 attendees (including speakers and core community volunteers), the satisfaction rate for the overall conference arrangement was 4.23, and for all sessions was 4.24.
In terms of ticket sales and audience interaction, we received a good response. According to an article by GlobalViews[1], the average interaction rate for Facebook posts in 2020 was 4.82%; fast forward three years, this year’s data dropped to as low as 0.08%, lower than last year’s 0.11%. Additionally, from the text provided by media agents[2], nowadays, with a single post reach rate of 10% of followers and interaction numbers reaching 1%, a fan page would already be considered active. During our annual conference, the reach rate of our single posts often reached a level of 6~8.6%.
Next comes the click rate, indicating whether the public is willing to learn more about the annual meeting and is closer to the ticket purchasing process. From the table, it can be inferred that people here tend to click as soon as tickets go on sale, perhaps because they believe in this event, thus hesitating less. Hence, the situation where the click rate for the ticket on-sale posts (8.6%, 6.2%) is higher than the countdown to sale posts (2.1% clicks).
From these statistics, it can be seen that Domain-Driven Design is a widely concerned topic in Taiwan, and the investments our community made over the past few years have finally brought about a new opportunity to make more attempts.
Apart from confirming the attendees’ demographics and willingness, we have also unfolded some interesting topics in the collaboration and interaction with sponsors. TLBC Tenlong Bookstore is the largest IT-related computer book sales company in Taiwan. The general manager of Epicloud, Steven Chu, took the initiative to establish a cooperation relationship with Tenlong Bookstore owner Steven Peng, hoping to have direct collaboration in promoting relevant field books in company events and extending to external event expansions in the future.
在售票與獲取群眾互動這件事情上,我們得到不錯的回應。根據遠見文章[1],2020 年臉書整體貼文互動率平均為 4.82%;三年過去,今年數據低至 0.08%,比去年的 0.11% 更加低落。另外從媒體代理商[2]提供的文字中可以得知,如今的粉專經營,單篇貼文的觸及率能夠達到追蹤人數的10%,互動數能夠達到1%,都已經會被判定為活躍粉專。在本次年會期間,我們的單篇貼文的觸擊率經常是來到6~8.6% 的觸及率的水平上。
再來是點擊率,代表的是民眾是否願意進一步了解年會,也離購票的程序更近一步 從表格上會發現,這邊的民眾是傾向一開賣就點擊,也可以推論成他們因為相信這個活動,所以猶豫時間更少 所以呈現開賣貼文(8.6%、6.2%)比銷售倒數貼文(2.1%點擊更高的情況。
除了確認與會者族群與意願外,我們在贊助商的合作與互動也有一些有趣的話題展開。 TLBC 天瓏書局是台灣最大的 IT 相關領域的電腦書籍販售公司,Epicloud 總經理 Steven Chu 主動與天龍書局老闆 Steven Peng 展開合作關係,希望能未來有直接合作在公司內的活動推廣相關領域書籍,以及在外部活動的拓展。
Areas of Excellence
From the feedback of participants, it’s understood that the diversity of the agenda is widely welcomed, with each time slot in the agenda track suitable for audiences newly introduced to DDD.
Opportunities for Enhancement
The limitation of venue hardware is a problem, lacking enough microphones for participants to use during Q&A, making the overall Q&A segment relatively challenging.
The grasp on topic content could be better. Since the agenda planned is diverse, the expectations of the audience were not well catered to. Next time, it would be helpful to specifically label the difficulty level, suitable audience groups, and expected takeaways for each agenda topic, allowing audiences to plan which topics and time slots to attend.
從參與者們的回饋中,理解到議程的多元性廣泛受到歡迎,在議程 track 的安排上每個時段都有適合給剛接觸到DDD 主題的聽眾。
場地硬體設施限制是個問題,沒有足夠的麥克風讓提問的參與者使用,在整體 Q&A 環節上進行的相對吃力。
對於主題內容的掌握度期待能更好,由於本次議程規劃是多元的議程範疇,聽眾的期待沒有照顧好,下次應該可以在特別針對議程主題標註相關難易度、適合聽眾族群,以及期待可以獲取的 Take away,讓聽眾可以安排參與的主題與時段。
We thank all participating groups, including the aforementioned major sponsors and all speakers. Due to the large number of individuals, I will not list them one by one. Please refer to the speaker information in the image below, or visit the speakers page :
我們感謝所有的參與群體,包含前述的各大贊助商,以及所有的講師,由於人數眾多我就不一一的標註,請大家直接看講師資訊如下圖,或者訪問講者資訊網頁 :
Special Callouts
Here, I want to extend special thanks to Chief Designer Curly from the long-supported volunteer team. In the annual events of 2021 and 2023, she designed Emoji and released them on social media like Telegram, Line, featuring a cute D-type character as the protagonist, incorporating common sayings or complaints often mentioned by software development practitioners in Taiwan’s industry.
These stickers have become commonly seen in our daily chat conversations and have served as a significant entry point to promote DDD in different groups. One of the most interesting ones, I want to introduce to English readers!
Pie in the sky…
If you also use Telegram or Line, feel free to look for “DDDesign Taiwan 2023” in the sticker sections of these two major community software tools, download it, and use it in your daily conversations!
在此,我要特別感謝在長年支持的志工團隊中的首席設計師卷卷 Curly 。他在2021 與 2023 年的年會活動中,設計了 Emoji 並且發佈在 Telegram, Naver Line 的 social media 上,以可愛的 D型人大頭作為主角,並帶入了在台灣業界軟體開發從業人員經常講的諺語或抱怨的對話,這些貼圖成了大家在平常聊天對話時常見的貼圖,也成了另一種推廣DDD 在不同的群體中的一個很重要的引入點。
其中有一個最有趣的,我想介紹給英文讀者們 !
Pie in the sky …
如果你也使用 Telegram or Line , 歡迎在這兩大社群軟體工具的貼圖中去尋找 “ DDDesign Taiwan 2023 “ ,下載他,並且把它用在每日的對話吧 !
Next Steps
After organizing the Conference events in 2020, 2021, and 2023, I think we’ve accumulated a lot of experience and feedback. It might be time to implement a system for organizing the annual event. We faced many challenges in the process, mainly due to the lack of automated workflow support, causing many business activities to be hindered. This experience is really like doing business or creating a product, starting from real business scenarios, obtaining feedback, and then supporting the development of the next phase of the application. Reflecting back, was it the same for DDD EU several years ago? Or did the Virtual DDD Community also encounter and discuss similar topics? Anyway, it’s now time to conduct an offline retrospective event, and collect details, looking forward to having a system next year that can support our event scenarios, through the hands of us DDD Practitioners.
Here, we are also broadly soliciting like-minded sponsor partners. If you also agree that Domain Driven Design can help in solving complex business problems and look forward to interacting with more practitioners, feel free to contact us. Looking forward to your participation in 2024!
在經歷了 2020, 2021, 2023 三年的 Conference 活動籌組以後,我想我們累積了非常多的體驗與回饋,也許是時候來實踐整個年會籌辦的系統了,我們在過程中遭遇到了非常多的困難,主因是沒有自動化的流程支持,導致很多業務活動的進程受到阻礙,這個體驗真的就像是在做一項生意、做一個產品一樣,得先從真實的業務場景驅動、獲取回饋後,進行下個階段的應用程序的開發支持。
讓我想想, 好像好幾年前的 DDD EU 也是這樣 ? 或者是 Virtual DDD Community 也遭遇過並且討論過類似的話題 ? 總之,不管如何,現在是時候來進行線下的 retrospective 活動,並且蒐整細節,期待明年一個足以支撐我們的活動場景的系統出現,通過我們這些 DDD Practioners 的手 ~
在此,也廣泛徵求志同道合的贊助商夥伴,如果您也認同領域驅動設計在解決複雜的商務問題上能有幫助,並且期待與更多的實踐者有交流,歡迎與我們聯繫, 2024等你參與 !